Cuckoo Move

We were delighted to launch the website for newly established home-moving experts, Cuckoo.

Cuckoo is aiming to change the way people move home by putting customers back in control; matching their product and service requirements to the best provider, rather than what is convenient, and usually most profitable, for the mortgage broker, conveyancer, or estate agent.

The Cuckoo team have over 20 years of experience, and will use objective data and a highly personalised service to source and manage the best services for their customers’ move.

Speaking about their new website, Cuckoo director Sarah Whincup said: “The team at Vizulate really took the time in the early stages of our engagement with them to ensure they thoroughly understood the business concept of Cuckoo, and exactly what we needed from the website in terms look, feel, functionality, user experience, and its marketing objectives.

“We have no doubt that the website will continue to evolve as we learn more about our customers’ needs and adapt to meet them, but we are really pleased with the website Vizulate have delivered.”

Vizulate managing director Scott Brant said: “We have really enjoyed working collaboratively with the directors of the business and a specialist branding team to deliver this website and we are now looking forward to assisting them with the digital elements of their marketing strategy.”